Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We want you

We want you

Trying to dance. Dancing with the spirits. The spirits dance with
me. The spirits take control. Dying to die. Living to live. You came
to die. Here is your place. Some to rest. Resting in our place. The
place within the ground. Creepy crawly willy’s entering in there
skin. Who is entering the husk you once where. Living who is living?
What is living? You claim you are living. Yet you do nothing to further
yourself or your goals. Why do you try to eat your insides? You
should live. Live your life. Life is worth living. You believe you
succeed. Transmissions of the soul. Transmissions from the dead


Once I was a prince Lying within my castle. Then I felt the winds
of change blow across my face. Many battles I have fought have
brought me to an older age. Now I am king of this castle and my
heart is torn from this place. I turn my head I see in a distant mist a
Lucite figure that calls to me. I step to my squire and say, “Prepare
my horse simple servant”. “I shall sire”. I step to my horse fully
prepared in its armor. I ride my horse across the misty moor. Once
again I see that face of glorious light. She try’s to speak but her
voice is but a whisper. I can’t understand these utterances of truth.
My hand swashed with the blood of time. I am dying of a great disease.
This has been in my bloodline for centuries. I look in to the
pools of the future, past, and present. What comes to this meager
soul? Here the muses sing of the things they have done. Some
deeds to evil to be spoken about. Why these harsh words because
you have done harsh things.
Now for your punishment Eternity’s of living incarcerations. This is
your punishment.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cyber space sprawling

Cyber space sprawling
Binary fire digital connection once and future king a digital erection.
AI in the distance until we burn away. A cyber solution to the
media wilderness. Digital landscapes spangled in chrome. Blast disasters
scour the unknown. I vs. I mind vs. mind. Software explosion
to release the unknown. White to black, black to white digital
karma. Erase yourself. One zero one the speech of the future. We
are hear to release the unknown.

Unexplored phenomenon

Unexplored phenomenon
AI silicon solutions digital landscape. World of the electrons.
Filtered through cyberscape.
The fat get fatter as the pipes get thicker.
The dreams are immense in this pumping landscape. Freedom
fortress dreaming in the darkness. Digital demise perpetuates the
Can’t you hear the modem screaming in the distance. Digital karma
correcting the corruption. Filtering the factions. Fixation desires


Waken voodoo sleep in dream. I will not stop to scream.



I ninja I Why to
blade in sky.


Shaft of thunderbolt of lightning fierce monsoon blows and bellows.


Listless sitting stirring mind. I am only trying to step in time.



Burning, burning deep & dark.
How I wonder how well part?
Evil, evil twisted soul. Lost myself now will go.
Dance in macabre. True to me. I partake in childish laughter. To
ascend great disaster.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I feel your pain. Know your heart. Feel the lust you send to me.
Don’t try to lie I feel the truth.
Our love will grow. The truth will come. Know the pain of being
lost in some one else’s reality.


Sun binds, I blind. The burning sensation revitalizes.

Losing it

Losing it

I feel it, back of my soul.
Hair stands on end.
Quick to move.
See the red nothing left.
Blast away!
No turning back.
Stop and think.
Lost control.

Mind drip

Mind drip
brainmindreality print
brainmindreality by unixarcade
Browse more artwork on zazzle
Lost alone in a space. This space is intangible to all but the mind.
Spinning darkness screams endlessly. Maker of a new found land.
Cold as deaths breath. To fly as dragon in breath of lamb.


As I sit in my bed thoughts spin round my head. Many questions but
no answers. A lot of hurt little joy. No thoughts hurt more than one. I
don’t know what to do. Like a child exploring new wilderness. I’m
exploring new emotions. The newest one to me is true love. This is
the one that hurts the most. I think I’ve found it but I cannot grasp it.
For the one I love is right in front of my face, but I cannot grasp her.
For I’m different can’t you see? Hurt is with you, and me. Slowly that
hurt fades. Then it comes back. Slowly I try not to love. Then emotions
die. Then they come back. It’s like an eternity of pain till the
one you love knows it. Then the pressures really on. Choices then
flood her head. Many answers. None acceptable. She lies crying in
her bed thoughts. Come flooding her like oceans currents. People ask
her why she cries. The thoughts hurt to bad I have many new decisions.
With no answers. Now you too hurt. The answers hurt either

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Goose Stepping

Goose Stepping
GameOverWarning postcard
GameOverWarning by unixarcade

Marching two by two. Now you see them: I am still blue.
Goose Stepping nations, nations of thunder and lightning.
Burning up the sky's.
Thoughts are fires across the sky as electrons race across my brain.
Furious storms and chemical washes.
Nations at brink, stop and think.
Change the flow, or watch it blow.
Furnaces and fires, revere and dancing.
Starlight tonight twilight.
Machine guns blasting in the distance hearing the cry.
Little girls saddened by the loss, of their families.
So many try to figure out why it's all fucked up.
Why so many people shed tears.
For those answers all I have to do is peer through my window.
It is not really serene out there.
It is a war zone.
There are bodies piled sky high.
Bloated by the fat of the land.
Waiting for something to change to stir in the silence.
The dark eats you, the dark makes you fear it's figments.
It's hobgoblins and goblins.
The darkness a hollow shell of the void.
The void glistens calls to you.
Wants to help you be destroyed non existent.
You may fell calmer in the void before annihlilation.
The screams of you to be captured ad infinitum.
Yet you do not exist.
The screams help others fear.
Something in the darkness eats your fears wants your fears.
What ever is in the darkness also makes you tear.
Do not steer away from the darkness.
March forward.
Keep your chin up be a strong man.
Be a caricature of a soldier, unwieldy.
Dangerous in your motions, you are a killer.
You have already annihilated your fear.
It will not resist you.
It shall succumb to you.
Stand tall soldier.
Goose step with your thunder heels.
Black boots, hard hat big gun.
March into the darkness.

Scribbles and a black crayon

Scribbles and a black crayon
I pull my black market from my black pants.
We are going to mark up the city tonight.
Let us tag the walls with our black scrawlings.

Let us bring blur and cacophony to the perimeter.
Let us take a black crayon on some white paper and draw our dreams.

The black paint on my walls makes the turbulence captivate them.

Screams and shouts, shout it all out black words.
When I was a little I, I used to make little stick figures with guns in black.
I loved the sight of the little stick figures brains being blown all over that sheet of paper.

When I was little I loved my black crayon.

A can of black spray paint to tag the city walls with cryptic signals.
Messages for the others to read.

Me and a black crayon drawing spirals.
Spinning black circles in the black nights.

If music had a color I would want to paint it black.
The song that I sing to you is a black song.

My image torn broken

My image torn broken
Without my mind I could feel the darkness.
To survey the area and see it's spatiality.
I saw and surpassed, what you thought your recognition of a tattered boy.

It's ok to be hurt, it is ok to be broken.
The batter tattered doll.
Knew something the plastic people didn't when they where in their molds.

He knew how to cast, he could mold form and see form.
Feeling and knowing thew twisted ivy path.

Cairns and cries wonderful worlds.
Whimsy and innocence.
I saw all the faces on black construction paper.

They did not know what you were drawing with your little hands, and chewed on crayons.

Your markers mark the sky. 

A temple of flesh

A temple of flesh

Smelling the scent of her pheromones awakens a deep stirring.
Feeling her warm breathe, hot breasts gets me higher brings me closer.
Her body is a conduit for my yearning.
Her legs and thighs are my temple.
Her moaning is my chanting.
My pen is insider her life bringing essence.
My eyes feral her body stiff as I pound against her soft flesh as if rhythmic waves slowly wash upon
the shores.

Accelerated by burning gases

Accelerated by burning gases

Built for blasting.
The rocket goes, Zoooooom.

Align polymorph shift

Align polymorph shift
Polymorphism in my quadrant matrices me in the order of operations.
I align and transconfigure.
Puzzling my 6 dimensional magic square.
Unorthagonal design.
My nuclei vectors.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

All I want is lovely things

All I want is lovely things
All I want are pretty things lovely things.
Frame of reference nice to see.
Soft-spoken words.
Cuddling in the dark.
Shiny stars ablaze above sanctums happy sanctuaries and safe havens.
Arms latched lightly, lovely perfuma.
Glances giddy laughter joyous pastures.
Persistent passion pays.
Whispers well in tidy packages.
Sneaking smiles slip across the lips.
Birthing love lingers in hearts felt soft touch paramour.
Nous aimons.

"Anachronism" an arcade of my own.

an arcade of my own.
Hear I lye my head on rape.
Vines entwine my naked self.
Monks hood and procession I take my place among them.
Sobriety brings me to my madness.
Psychotic episode skitzo out look.
Gentle madness.
Vizier envisions vexes.
Panademonium paramour.
Whilst thought echolalia me.
Wouldst thou’s existence be are reflection of my own.
Lovely parcels wrapped in silk.
Velveteen paper dolls.
Menagerie and arcade in arcadia.
Visited I have.

Angel of Luminosity

Angel of Luminosity
I am an angel of light and glory to bring luminance is my wish to enlighten.
My boundless love leaps.
Faith unfettered, a free radical that decays periodically, until it becomes an angel of love and charisma.
Luminosity how bright has the stars become.

Angel of velocity

Angel of velocity
I am the angel of velocity translating vectors.
Insulated electrons passing in between myelin sheathing.
I see it as an axiom not to be proven nor unproven yet just to be.
Isolated kinetic movement measured in degrees.
Jolting as gravitation pulls our strings.
Yet the theory is not for we are quantum.

Anger in verse

Anger in verse

Suicidal sociopathic homicidal maniac.
Zack Zack the lego maniac doesn’t take flak.
He gives back with a whack and a thwack.
Suicidal sociopathic homicidal maniac.
Maniacal mistral megalomaniacal misfit.
Master mind mischievous paragon of intellectual prominence.
Machiavellian marauder missiles whistling serendipity.
Zhapow Zhapow the ground grinding down.
Kerplow shlerpow the bombs burst.
Varied sizes and shapes of flesh flow forth.
Sigils shaped in sand.
Sanctify Sanctify bless me kiss the wind.

Arcanum Requiem.

Arcanum Requiem.

Sovereign king, stairs within a chapel humming hymns vs. pondering Canterbury hills.
A humble meager homeless man raps to himself, as time passes into twilight.
A pulse of energy throbs with emotions forgotten by the living around it.
This is the story so many memories most forgotten congealed jello of what one may be.

A – Zed type

A – Zed type
Abel battles Cain deadly edges fire gods heckle inverse joy killer lingers meekly neuroppressed
potency quarterly reaching sacrament tart universals victory wicked xyclon-b zarathrusthraman.

Beaten tears brevity

Beaten tears brevity

The lights are swirling swiftly.
Sanguine faces fold between 5 fingered stubs.
Shackled splintered walls of a part of life.

Burning Effigy

Burning Effigy
My effigy burning.
Devils within sarcophagi.
I imagine myself in an oubliette.
Shotguns compel me to vex curse, espout maledictorous words.
Failing conception.
Dissuade by dilettantes.

Carbon removed by piping

Carbon removed by piping

Heavenly spires.
Reckless abandonment.
The proclivity of how confounded we can show through mime like activities.
Bloody books of immortality with schematics of monstrous explosive propelled devices.
The me lingers sitting under crab apple trees.
Mary poppins dressed in black a sneak the if she was.
All the adornments of a cutpurse in verse.

Chiba city

Chiba city
I went to chiba city wrote a virus in assembly printed on pcb.
Showed them how to mind rape.
Malignant code binary fire.
Intrinsic to the spreading end.

Consequence escape!

Consequence escape!

I take the drug and the drug takes me.
Consequence escape!
The barrel of a gun.
Spooky kooky, phobos induced by living yet not analyzing living therefore
robotically shifting.
The periodic table or radii radiation energy creates me.

Cyborg Cyberia

Cyborg Cyberia
Machine Machine Machine
How art thou broken my machine.
So one sided is your optics.
Machine you do have pieces missing.
You are a clunky beast.
Your reflection is a suit of arms.
I know you by your true name.
I am not a machine. I will not be broken.
I will not live in shallow view.
Entrance empty hollow.
My reflection is machine.
Cold I wish to be.
Lasting is this.
Worm food tantalizing crowds of unconcerned.
How much can they care?
They know you not. You look out at the waves.
Loud Roars was broadcasted at your arrival.
Your mind screams louder though.
You can’t hear your self thinking.
You only hear your madness.
My madness is a night beast.
It runs through clouds of darkness.
Machine of human parts, powered by foods.
You know not the pain you bring to my spirit.
You want fleshy things.
Transcend machine can I by add-ons, peripherals, maybe a set of wings?
Flying is the metaphor of freedom.
Give me wings!

Daisies pose darkly in the demises.

Daisies pose darkly in the demises.

Damsels drink drought in ole tavern pubs.
As bards sing in bright sashes, they sing to the swans.
Samhain is coming to the pagans have landed.
Are there works so evil that you manifest upon them torrents of torture.
Trained trivial troglodyte’s trash tumbling tanks.
Airy arias and swift sonata’s sing clearly through meadows.
Bastardly bitches of baroque basted in butter build broken butlers.
Does not the sun raised in the heavens to meet me in the morn.

Decibel incrementally increasing

Decibel incrementally increasing
Despotic character repugnant in aura.
What is your finest moment?
Was it pivotal?
Was it the meant that gave you a sly smile that illuminates your face with enlightenment?
Does the silence make you want to scream out into the void filling the vacuum?
There should be not despair or disparity.
Why is it that my soul is much louder than my voice.
The decibels of my soul humble oceans.

Derision Impergeterio Accelerated

Derision Impergeterio Accelerated
I see the waves of apathy the rise from brows and fields of autumn wheat.
I see altars of sacrifice in cities through out the world.
A colt 45 performing the right on high-strung minds.
We forgot about the gods they have not forgotten about us.
If god is speed, and god is dead does that also make speed dead?
Who is god’s god?
I am a blasphemer.
My blasphemy comes in questions and koans.

Drop drip drink its water

Drop drip drink its water

Funky spunky waters dribble down the drain drip drop pause.
The parcel of water dribbling down.
Draining drops drip.
Cold little drain pipe holding back the dribbles.



Laying down decrees, in unjust vermillion that spreads and is flowing.
The vastness of our webs of treason sounds being sampled in clips and phrases, speeches of political
It takes a man to make a nation.
Idols where there names.
in the vastness of our unbegotten state.
We are on a train without brakes.
Oath in board office due tell.
Is it unsanctamouneous hymns?
I reverberate throughout the populace.
let the winds of change come to pass.
Let them speak a name
Allow it to be my own.

Evolution angel

Evolution angel
I am evolution angel not to be mistaken for a fallen.
It is my evolution that will create a new genesis.
I shall forge truth slay lies.
Evolution angel a secret desire.
Fallen they see me, fallen I am not.
Evolution angel!
Flying altitude and acceleration.
Smiling unconscious unfamiliar unfaltered.
Passing on to pray to slay.

Fake Smiles

Fake Smiles

To see the smug smiles of there blank faces.
To only dream in koans and paradoxes, shifting paradigms.
Sometimes the luminal properties of burning balls of hydrogen and helium.
Mentors are the way of painting faces – and creating master works.
To visualize the fragmented sentence that composes our thoughts within our minds.

False Promise

False Promise
Vaguely familiar the face of the mist.
Sanguine satin radial remonstrated through vocal hollows.
All in good intention yet untimely.

Far from promethean

Far from promethean

What we waste is Beauty unseen by blind eyes.
More unseeing than the sightless.

Fragmented sentences the lost

Fragmented sentences the lost

The depths of all thy synchronicity.
Thy passion succinctly untimely demising.
Devils demons demise.
Heavenly cross star of love and despair.
Deficient minions malaised.
Masters of mayonnaise missionary accepting wastes, marauders.
Deficient defunct parallels. Missing moon bases.

Fuchsia Confusion dreams

Fuchsia Confusion dreams

In between the ream.
Round write black blue too.
Zen mindless ability the void.
Confused enlightenment intermittent with fears.
Hatred heartache bound to rebound back in love.
Quiet power does not entail forceful loudness.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Futurist Transhumanist fulfillment

Futurist Transhumanist fulfillment
Action destruction creation fulfillment.
Egocentric organization of id.
Transhumanist evolving evolution incumbent.
To fail is to die.
Self-evolving organisms.
Evolution of self-replications self-evolving code.


Unto mountain deep down, earth goblins grumbled in the mirth.
In the malaise that often plays with maledictorous malady, and fanciful growths.
Hear the goblins grumble Appraised in hearty organelles clotted blood and muck in which goblins
frolic and mock men.
For man has seemingly lost his mind maximized by his time multiplied by breeding.
Knowing that the division of self keeps him churning burning.
Goblins grumble and make there sounds, within the caverns underground.
Empirical the goblin caves and sorcery remitted.

Godlike Now!

 Godlike Now!
truepower print
truepower by unixarcade

Godlike all I want to be.
Godlike dreams of power.
Godlike living force.
Godlike inscription ch32hnoi scribed on azure tablet to melt godlike all I need to be.
Godlike protects me from myself.
Godlike wisdom to raise the cull.
Systematic Godlike movements.
Mechanical motions matrices finely crafted adorned in mesh.
Astrolabe configuring my celestial body.
Godlike holdings.
Heavenly stars trapped within.


Shadows silhouettes gradient grays a million ways to white to black and back.
To synchronize these shades as characteristics of morality or immorality.

Homeless desire sought

Homeless desire sought

It is to be me free, sometimes found frowning solemnly.
Seeking desire unsate. So trite; trivial the ways of babbling bounties.
It is not to be dissimilar in my liking.
Convoluted though uncoiscenciable.
Backing up towards walls in round rooms.
Sepulchers chambers chained and torn sadness unbounded.
A word that in my definition, has no definition that can be spoken.
The meaning is better given, and received.
Never to be had by the likes of me.
I suppose that could be my secret pain.
The thing that wrack’s my brain, yes I am in turmoil I am distraught.
If I shall ever receive god gilded liqueurs I shall be in passing become full.
So in passing I am homeless desire sought.

Monday, July 12, 2010



I breed chaos under the guise of chaos.
I love the misguided juvenile activities.
That will eventually like perish.
To relinquish that in us that was human.
Is to disgrace that is in us all.
Human all too human.

Hr Giger

Hr Giger
Is so spooky he writes about aliens.
He is not a monster he draws about monsters.
Sophistication Trapped in curvature.
So stupendous dark his sculpture.

Huffing on a can of Indian money spray

Huffing on a can of Indian money spray

Standing in a living room looking at a crowd.
You look smart tweedle deedle taking in toxigens.
Carcinogen based youth culture founding milieu for millennia.
Maximized efficiency poking in a vein.
Blood mix huffing smoking up your brain.
Heart shaped pills in various colors and potency.
Milligram kilogram waltz.
Head shops set up for you viewer’s enjoyment.
Xtc Induced orgies reveries.
Ice cube crack, chilling children’s child hoods.
Marijuana, Maria the gateway to goodies.
Galvanized glistening eyes.
Wanting wafts, and draughts of smooth liquors.
Hicks and homeboys looking for their fix.
Intangible nuisance “its just a chippy”.
Song sitting naked infuriated by lies.
Less than lovely environments produced by your daily dose of nightmare.
Consumer influenced behavior, stricken by media nightmares.
Marshalling forces for a frenzied war, awaiting long lasting answers, to unsolved problems.
People standing resolute in their impermeable beliefs.
Iconography setup for holography addiction antidote m.a.d.d, s.a.d, d.a.r.e never really touched on the
Words are just words.
Action activity forged by wordsmiths.
Mastering medicinal masterpieces, in makeshift mandatory missionaries.
I do not want to be your uncle monkey pledging peso’s to the pacified.
Focusing my attention to the aggravated angry, disenfranchised, frontier.
Foundations dating to feudalism looking to Freud for answers.
Freud fornicates with from forcing himself forward, and toward destination.
Fallout fucked few.
Vandalous villains struck by tragic villainy vicariously selecting treachery, over treason.
Disenstablishantarianism escalating anarchists, abiding, abridged annexes, indexes, codexes, conquering
Blinders tied tightly to tortured transfixed tattered teachers, and congress alike.
Bile blissfully released by bitter bees, billowing butterfly’s blowing gracefully.
Descent adjacent deceit orbiting.
Obliteration, nihilistic, necrosis.
Foundations of fungi consumes by cowards.
Blazingly displayed flags.
Famished nations producing opiates not food.
Boolean logic, Balzac inquiry inquisitive, elucidating illuminated tomes, and tales of torment.
Madness ascent and descent into the heart of the beast plummeting down, downwards.
Woe be felt.
Message as to happiness.
Given in good graces to good fellows.
Transcribed and described to a great many people.
Take my messages here in reflect, radiate, the tutoring.
Taxed has one become in the brambles of the brain.
Memes pass mental modules; mindlessly across a great divide.
To find its way into the right peoples hands.

I hate Caucasians

I hate Caucasians

With their terrible vernacular and spotty splotchy skin.
White people a body of fascist totalitarian pigmentally impaired, body of people.
Although when we finally persecute and hate – kill all of the Caucasians we will have to pick some
one else to hate.
So lets hate all the white people and hate them dead.

I pledge allegiance to the anti humanitarian xtia league.

I pledge allegiance to the anti humanitarian xtia league.

He is a sycophant an hierophant.
Backstage passes to missionary madness.
I don’t want to give you anything I am a giver.
What I have given you is nothing.
What my expectations are nihil I have no expectations.
I am tired of caring if you do not care.
I have not given up I just know what to expect.
I know that most of you thing that all is hopeless, that you cannot change a thing.
Huzzah for humanity!

Illuminatus, Hebrew

Illuminatus Hebrew
Manifesting Zion seeing preliminary people.
Fabricating functions facilitating tantalizing touch.



Stop stamp smash.
Teeth grating on cement.
Biting on gritty gravely cement.
Show me the viscous goo you call blood.
Sanguine mess spilled forth on the pavement.
Take the bitch to the morgue, the infirmary.