Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Goose Stepping

Goose Stepping
GameOverWarning postcard
GameOverWarning by unixarcade

Marching two by two. Now you see them: I am still blue.
Goose Stepping nations, nations of thunder and lightning.
Burning up the sky's.
Thoughts are fires across the sky as electrons race across my brain.
Furious storms and chemical washes.
Nations at brink, stop and think.
Change the flow, or watch it blow.
Furnaces and fires, revere and dancing.
Starlight tonight twilight.
Machine guns blasting in the distance hearing the cry.
Little girls saddened by the loss, of their families.
So many try to figure out why it's all fucked up.
Why so many people shed tears.
For those answers all I have to do is peer through my window.
It is not really serene out there.
It is a war zone.
There are bodies piled sky high.
Bloated by the fat of the land.
Waiting for something to change to stir in the silence.
The dark eats you, the dark makes you fear it's figments.
It's hobgoblins and goblins.
The darkness a hollow shell of the void.
The void glistens calls to you.
Wants to help you be destroyed non existent.
You may fell calmer in the void before annihlilation.
The screams of you to be captured ad infinitum.
Yet you do not exist.
The screams help others fear.
Something in the darkness eats your fears wants your fears.
What ever is in the darkness also makes you tear.
Do not steer away from the darkness.
March forward.
Keep your chin up be a strong man.
Be a caricature of a soldier, unwieldy.
Dangerous in your motions, you are a killer.
You have already annihilated your fear.
It will not resist you.
It shall succumb to you.
Stand tall soldier.
Goose step with your thunder heels.
Black boots, hard hat big gun.
March into the darkness.

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