Monday, July 12, 2010

Huffing on a can of Indian money spray

Huffing on a can of Indian money spray

Standing in a living room looking at a crowd.
You look smart tweedle deedle taking in toxigens.
Carcinogen based youth culture founding milieu for millennia.
Maximized efficiency poking in a vein.
Blood mix huffing smoking up your brain.
Heart shaped pills in various colors and potency.
Milligram kilogram waltz.
Head shops set up for you viewer’s enjoyment.
Xtc Induced orgies reveries.
Ice cube crack, chilling children’s child hoods.
Marijuana, Maria the gateway to goodies.
Galvanized glistening eyes.
Wanting wafts, and draughts of smooth liquors.
Hicks and homeboys looking for their fix.
Intangible nuisance “its just a chippy”.
Song sitting naked infuriated by lies.
Less than lovely environments produced by your daily dose of nightmare.
Consumer influenced behavior, stricken by media nightmares.
Marshalling forces for a frenzied war, awaiting long lasting answers, to unsolved problems.
People standing resolute in their impermeable beliefs.
Iconography setup for holography addiction antidote m.a.d.d, s.a.d, d.a.r.e never really touched on the
Words are just words.
Action activity forged by wordsmiths.
Mastering medicinal masterpieces, in makeshift mandatory missionaries.
I do not want to be your uncle monkey pledging peso’s to the pacified.
Focusing my attention to the aggravated angry, disenfranchised, frontier.
Foundations dating to feudalism looking to Freud for answers.
Freud fornicates with from forcing himself forward, and toward destination.
Fallout fucked few.
Vandalous villains struck by tragic villainy vicariously selecting treachery, over treason.
Disenstablishantarianism escalating anarchists, abiding, abridged annexes, indexes, codexes, conquering
Blinders tied tightly to tortured transfixed tattered teachers, and congress alike.
Bile blissfully released by bitter bees, billowing butterfly’s blowing gracefully.
Descent adjacent deceit orbiting.
Obliteration, nihilistic, necrosis.
Foundations of fungi consumes by cowards.
Blazingly displayed flags.
Famished nations producing opiates not food.
Boolean logic, Balzac inquiry inquisitive, elucidating illuminated tomes, and tales of torment.
Madness ascent and descent into the heart of the beast plummeting down, downwards.
Woe be felt.
Message as to happiness.
Given in good graces to good fellows.
Transcribed and described to a great many people.
Take my messages here in reflect, radiate, the tutoring.
Taxed has one become in the brambles of the brain.
Memes pass mental modules; mindlessly across a great divide.
To find its way into the right peoples hands.

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