Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Once I was a prince Lying within my castle. Then I felt the winds
of change blow across my face. Many battles I have fought have
brought me to an older age. Now I am king of this castle and my
heart is torn from this place. I turn my head I see in a distant mist a
Lucite figure that calls to me. I step to my squire and say, “Prepare
my horse simple servant”. “I shall sire”. I step to my horse fully
prepared in its armor. I ride my horse across the misty moor. Once
again I see that face of glorious light. She try’s to speak but her
voice is but a whisper. I can’t understand these utterances of truth.
My hand swashed with the blood of time. I am dying of a great disease.
This has been in my bloodline for centuries. I look in to the
pools of the future, past, and present. What comes to this meager
soul? Here the muses sing of the things they have done. Some
deeds to evil to be spoken about. Why these harsh words because
you have done harsh things.
Now for your punishment Eternity’s of living incarcerations. This is
your punishment.

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