Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cyborg Cyberia

Cyborg Cyberia
Machine Machine Machine
How art thou broken my machine.
So one sided is your optics.
Machine you do have pieces missing.
You are a clunky beast.
Your reflection is a suit of arms.
I know you by your true name.
I am not a machine. I will not be broken.
I will not live in shallow view.
Entrance empty hollow.
My reflection is machine.
Cold I wish to be.
Lasting is this.
Worm food tantalizing crowds of unconcerned.
How much can they care?
They know you not. You look out at the waves.
Loud Roars was broadcasted at your arrival.
Your mind screams louder though.
You can’t hear your self thinking.
You only hear your madness.
My madness is a night beast.
It runs through clouds of darkness.
Machine of human parts, powered by foods.
You know not the pain you bring to my spirit.
You want fleshy things.
Transcend machine can I by add-ons, peripherals, maybe a set of wings?
Flying is the metaphor of freedom.
Give me wings!

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