Wednesday, July 21, 2010


As I sit in my bed thoughts spin round my head. Many questions but
no answers. A lot of hurt little joy. No thoughts hurt more than one. I
don’t know what to do. Like a child exploring new wilderness. I’m
exploring new emotions. The newest one to me is true love. This is
the one that hurts the most. I think I’ve found it but I cannot grasp it.
For the one I love is right in front of my face, but I cannot grasp her.
For I’m different can’t you see? Hurt is with you, and me. Slowly that
hurt fades. Then it comes back. Slowly I try not to love. Then emotions
die. Then they come back. It’s like an eternity of pain till the
one you love knows it. Then the pressures really on. Choices then
flood her head. Many answers. None acceptable. She lies crying in
her bed thoughts. Come flooding her like oceans currents. People ask
her why she cries. The thoughts hurt to bad I have many new decisions.
With no answers. Now you too hurt. The answers hurt either

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