Friday, July 2, 2010

S is for superman

S is for superman

Must I digress pain in my chest?
Hate in a vein.
Injected innocus immortis necrosis.
Hate in a vein inserted syringe.
Hate mix.
I tried to be a nice guy all I received was broken.
Tired of being a nice guy.
Time to be a hate guy.
Lose it in place guy.
Needle to the vein guy.
Black toxin waste guy.
Lick it up with passion guy.
Dark toys sex slut.
Bondage as a way of life don’t refrain, don’t abstain.
Liquid luxuries laminated labia liked up.
Vaginal viscousness.
How can you get some grind some.
Slick slurpy slit sliding down a slide.
Slipping on a sloshy slut.
Banging boxes with bones.

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