Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Formations changing

Formations changing
The wheel is turning. Splinters fly as the wheel whirls. They trans-
form in the sight of many.
These changing forms take on a life of there own as dancing shad-
ows on the wall. Silhouettes
Of humanity in its lowest forms. These dank demons of my mind,
take on these laughing screaming forms.
The piles of splinters on the floor are the remains of many. The
specters of time slowly rise from the splinters. To join the wheel to
set as an icon on this great monolith. It sets upon this golden
pedestal. The sounds of the wheel spinning drive most men's minds
insane and who is the creature spinning this great contraption. It is
the creator being. His name is the great recycler, and this is what he
does. He teaches all those who worship him and his wheel to do the
same, or destroy all that was created.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Nowhere to run.
Nowhere to hide.
When the bombs come a dropping like tears from the sky.
Who's the man deciding our fate. I'd like to say none but I know
there are many.
Life is not worth living if there's not a challenge. Life like a brutal
war composed of the worst.
We will not die for we are illusions holders. Extinction to come
Extinction forever
In the darkness in the night sow them, reap, and take their heart.
Now it’s stolen now its gone.
It is yours to abuse. Yet you are lost in this ineffable sunrise. It
won’t be abused I won't take that you can't break that. I will not be
lost to you. I am free with broken wings.
Yet I will find a way to soar.
Why do you try to defile those who art dead. Has sickness spread
throughout your mind? There is pandemonium there I taste it.



M.a.d Time
As the sun fell from the sky, your skin is blown off then your bones
turn to dust.
Everything around becomes incinerated. The earth becomes molten
form. It melts again within an atomic furnace.

Prophecy B52 Spiritual Warfare

I see airfields in the distance scorched earth. Fires still burning.
These are not all physical. People hold malice in their hearts. Stars
stripes are not forever as they are held on posts in tears.
Israel screams contrition. Dark hymns spoken in board offices. A
global prison keeps me at bay. When there is no freedom I will be
most free.

The coming of disaster

The coming of disaster

Futuristic fantasy fixation.
Founded by the founder.
Dreaming of the dreamer.
Drowning in dreams.
Pulling out the pauper.
Pissing on bastions.
Saying harsh words.
Knowing that these words would sting.
Stuck on stupid are the people and the pulling.
Clarity is coming.
Domination dedicated to downfall.
Filtered mass of ooze.

Ends and means

Ends and means
Here my storms come in silence.
My storms kill more than nightmare weapons.
You will not enjoy the ends nor means.

Bier Witness

Bier Witness
Missing living hating. Earning to kill - killer. I know how. You can-
not stop me if I do not want you to. Preciseness with open view-
points tearing at me. To leave this place. The fetters are tight cut-
ting "bleed". To hate  "o"  to hate trying to fight my inhibitions.
Ready to befoul the world. I shan't I must stay deep oceans infinite,
boundless. There is nothing to stop dread dream. Yet human form
helps to nurture the boundaries. This will not be so upon me.

A truth

A truth
I am hiding deeper nearer to the stairwell. I shan't climb for red-drick. I am incarnate immaculate and flowing. Every day there is a
realization of truth. This truth brings to me new answers. Also deep-
er questions crawl from my conscious mind. It seems as though
they try to torment. Although I know it is not possible. Torturing
myself is the only way this occurs. I know this is a misif.


Sitting in a room. Staring at the wall. There's nothing to do. Why
must I endure this punishment? A day a month a year. Here I stay
within a domain of darkness. Feeling nothing.
This is what I call boredom.

Weavers labyrinth

Weavers labyrinth
O  occurred insolence of one. To be gone I trek further my journey
takes me deeper into jungles of mind dense with foliage.
Lost I move in no pattern. Patterned is human existence. When they
try to move from it trapped they become in it.

Seal of Solomon

Seal of Solomon
Demon stands before
I rebuke thee demon for you are not my brother in the land of
Yet you step softly afraid to show your ghastly visage.
For god knows you wear23q cloak of beauty.
I cast thee to the lowest trenches of hell.
Do not anger those who are mighty. You in permanence in tomb-
stone cast you should be.
I anger naught easily yet you bring wrath close.
I lock thee with this tassels or wood cork.
Hidden below this seal

Never ending Insanity

Never ending Insanity

left this
place a
Clock spinning forward but I am turning back. No stopping a per-
son just running wild. They are losing what was, piece by piece.
Fighting a battle when you know there is no victor.
Dying to know if there are any plans behind this insanity.
There is no control where there is no controller. Maybe I am having
a nightmare that is lasting forever. Dreams not worth dreaming.
Death not worth dying. Immortality incarnate since you do not wish
to live.
Fighting a battle you'll never win.

Flashes of glory

Flashes of glory
Why must I die in a sudden flash of glory?
My heart stops, I drop to my knees, I die in a flash of glory.
The spirits come, hunting me down like the animal I once was.
They find me, Come with me, your work is done. They take me
to be judged.
They tell me I am not accepted in either world. I am alone once

Pissed Off Poem

Insanity hates to love all that want to be. I hate most for I feel no
reason to like.
What is love? I don't know. When I meet death I will leave. Never
to set my foot upon the ground again. Yet my spirit shall build a
wealth unknown to man's eyes. Total recall; see what you've lost.
You'll see you were fooled. Once again you're lost. I'm coming; I
change the way you think. Your body and mind are weak. Seek the
truth. It will be hard. Your journey will last lifetimes. Have you
been here before? Do you know? When you fight against the sys-
tem, you're fighting for change. Do you know what is going to
change? Is it better this way or that? Savior what is change - the
illusion? Next in line: what's your number?
We've died yet we live. Who's to decide what is best for you? Do
you talk behind their backs? Speak up! Make them listen. I am
pissed I can take no more. I am a revolution!
They built me! Their madness tries to sink in. Pain is everywhere.
Self-destruction count down is happening. It is time to stop, and

Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny
A tear a pain that tears. Longing the want when it seems impossible
to accomplish. Beyond comprehension you haven't tried to under-
stand it.
Know it all has no idea of how little he or she knows. Tomorrow an
excuse to waste today.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Floating Dreams

Floating Dreams
My life's in tremors of mass destruction.
Now It's time to pick up the pieces. Putting it back together like a
shattered vase. Now to find the crazy glue. Slowly trembling as I
place the pieces. Which never seem to fit. Every piece a little closer
to the final product. I don't wish to see, or maybe there is more to
see and hear. Broken the heart that bled with tears of broken float-
ing dreams.


To go through the same continual machinations. You are churned
through horrid heavy wheels of same. Flesh is hanging limply from
body. Never questioning self. Answers come from self. Forget what
you know. Secrets lie in perception. Zombies who walk among me.
I am vast wasteland filled with creativity. Hidden horrors lurk in
hidden shadows waiting to steal from me the only thing I truly
have. Lost are those who travel in forests of bones. Only to gain
that which is insane. Faces come from walls of sordid pain to haunt
my shattered existence. For what is this life, I ask myself? To be
churned again I say.
Lost am I in a world I cannot return from.

The things we are.

The things we are.
Why must we be the things that we see? How to get by the
writing on the wall.
The feelings deep inside. A secret you cannot share to truly bier the
pain is to die. Were fighting with ourselves. There is no one else to
fight. Lying like a corpse. Trying to escape our misery. The love we
cannot bier. The secret we can't share that's hiding within us all.
Why it holds us behind walls we cannot pass. The fears that we can-
not see. It's a part of you, a part of me. It's hidden deep inside the
things we are.

Symphony of sorrows

Symphony of sorrows
The unbegotten deceitful nature of this world.
Brings forth an unfelt taint.
Sadness released in a premonition.
I weep as the world weeps.
The whisper willows wail their song to unhearing ears.
My emotions madden me my emotions sadden me.
Through doors I do not see opening
I try to reach for the sky gates.
Yet with out-stretched arms I am never accepted.
My tears create raindrops that drench the earth.
I wish my father heard my cries and would help to ease my pain.
Yet when I feel I reach out I feel we are worlds apart.
Yes I wished to help you I never thought it would bring this pain.
My silence and heart go out to you; I want to feel your breath.
I want our shattered worlds to merge.
To lose this dirty pain.
Accept me into your fold so that we can reign.
Know I call out to you every day's desires.
Love me, tell me I am your forgotten son, the one you love so dear.
I know you from so far away though I always know you're there.
I love you father, more than you could know.
Please take your last begotten son to the heaven I know so well.
I want not the ignorance of this earth.
If you need me here I will stay.
Although it saddens me to do so when you are so far away.
I love you for I know that we are one.

Soul Soup

Soul Soup
My eyes open wide.
Then I die.
Rest in peace close my eyes.
Live to die.
Perfect the past.
Live again.
Trying to make me succumb, trying to beat me into submission.
Will fail soldier of time.
Never die.
Can you take me?
Who will break me?
In my eyes.
Who are you to destroy me?
Coming back repeat the beat.
Breaking bones tearing souls.
Next in line.
Next to die.
Time to break you.
Time to steal your life.
All your money give me your wife give me your life.
Take all that I can.
Going to break you.
Worst of all, got your soul.

Passing the blame

Passing the blame
The lies that have been passed. The pain that has been felt from
experiences. It's all pushed away or to another. It's time to stop
passing the blame, and take responsibility.
Everything that you just push off or leave unresolved. Will push
back twice as hard. Start closing up the gaps. Allowing yourself to
get caught in a tangle of problems others have created for you. It is
easy to resolve by taking control of the problems; they will then no
longer have control. Your stress relived you release a long awaited

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Silhouette of shadow

Silhouette of shadow
Impoverished the dog that stands before me. Is he naught a man?
He is bestial I see it within his ka. He is a dark beast. These powers
welcome him. In his desperation he strikes out only to find that it
was nothing he struck.
O darkness the silent embrace. Night black pictures hanging. On red
walls. Yes this is a house of man. See his face.

Shards of me

Shards of me
All emotions all hurt regression of all things. I've lived in a world
of hurt, pain. Obstacles are easy emotions are not. No emotion is
easy to bring forth. All the insanity in the world does not equal all
this pain. Insanity stems from pain that cannot be dealt with, or
screwed-up genetics. The beast inside wants to be full circle. I need
help, I need help, I need help. Reaching out yet I can find no hand.
Shall I fall? I am hanging from a weak branch from a tall tree. My
life seems to fade away as a dream. Abused in all ways. My mind is
bruised no one can see the inner hurt. I broken battered hurting
don’t leave. I say to the wind. The wind does not hear me when I
call. The writings on the wall are of pain, and hurt written in blood
bones, and guts. I dodge all pain. This fatigues me. I drop I'm killed
by the stones, thrown from so long ago. New emotion shadow. Then
bring out what has been kept so deep so unwanted. My fear keeps
me from the transmutation. Beautiful energy trapped in corpse.
Only let out at death. Death wish, Serial killer, going but can't for
need. Losing control. Emotions make. Why live why die.
Purgatories pain no more. Travel through time. Why choose to help.
Why care, seems too traumatic.

The Light & The Dark


I understand the life that you live. Your life is a terrible thing to
waste. Control your temptation and you'll have lost yourself. Your
mind's in turmoil; what to do? Why are you wasting away for
something that is doing nothing for you? Can't you feel that some-
thing is wrong? Why do you not feel the way you did?
Help yourself before it is too late. Why do you like this pain?
Dying from the inside out. I can tell you're not the same. Why do
you try to hide this from me?
You're not around anymore you are with your joke. You're just as
bad as them. You hurt yourself to understand their pain. Be your-
self: does it hurt? I wish to understand who you've become. I don’t
know why you share these thoughts with me.
Find your life. Lose your pain. Lose what you don't need.
Understand the game. Become the king, not the pawn of another.
Play it well; find yourself true friends.

The pain of silence

The pain of silence

Don't cha know how I feel?
When I tell you I am locked in my emotions.
Cannot show you how I feel.
I would tell you I am locked in my emotions. Cannot show you how I feel.
Try to speak but there's no sound.
Feel the pain of silence.
Writing poems but I am not dead; locked in silence in my head.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wonderful Black world

Wonderful Black world

Dancing cheek to cheek in the night.
I never get to see your flight.
The bats in the belfry all in a row.
My Halloween pumpkins carved with my toe.
Jack o lanterns all set ablaze.
Devils Night is always burning in my city.
Want to help me the arson.
I can hear the crackle now and the smell of smoke.
If I light you ablaze then you shall know thine fathers sins upon my
Massachusetts set ablaze at the stake.
Witches tormented, for their practices.
Tortured Christians for their sins.
The skeletons are roaming.
I can hear their moanings.
The scream of the banshee was just a woman being mugged in the
Yes, the men get beaten too; there is equality in pain.
Everyone must suffer.
Spooky story’s told on Halloween.
Living Halloween, razor-blade candy.
Only tricks, never treats.
What candy should I eat?
Lost parlor, no reflection.
Blood on my cheek my makeup your blood.
So pretty are the graveyards, where I spend most of my time play-
ing the ocarina High atop tombs.
Gate keeper and musician, muse.
One Dram to pass the river.
Stooped low and watching in the darkness.

Crux posts of hatred and decay.

Crux posts of hatred and decay.
I am trying to fight entropy.
Entropy comes nonetheless.
Chaos and decay.
Devilis undisputed.
I suppose it is this.
Does any one else need your help to tear themselves apart.
I am my own worst enemy.
I am a killer in the darkness.
I am the sickness of the streptococcus.
I do indubitably come with the plague noxious, infectus.
Do I spill your soiled insides out?
You hearken my call to laughter deep.
Yes I see your bulbous infectus.
I see you as you are.
Dung pile yes walking dung.
Decaying flesh am I.
No matter what my flesh looks like.
Hepatitis C lets kill the liver.
Let us spread as anthrax.
Right now you need your pasture.
You need my position correct.
Incorrect I stand.
Other disease yes.
Mind disease.
Broken mind disease.
Multiple people holding hands in one head.
Seeing flashes of light psichoid.
Up and down the merry go round.
I would surely show you.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Doves sacrifice

Doves sacrifice
Short small gasps fill my sanctum.
Black crushed velvet adorning warm bodies.
Staring at stars.
Linear crystalline structures, filled with liquid love.
Glorious pink plasmic fluid.
Ectoplasm, aether, the void, astral, I travel through with silver cord
Neither right hand nor left hand path, not the middle, beginning,
nor end.
Campdon Downs and sacred places.
Long forgotten sacrifice takes place; apparition of the past.
Wonderful strobe lights, washing over me.
Separation of selves.
Last episode.

Living or Dead

Living or Dead

He walks down the street with a limp. He moans, and groans drool
dribbles down his chin. The black skinned people get on their knees
and pray to their mother goddess. His eyes are glassy. His skin
seems to droop off of his body. The people scream and shout yet he
seems to hear nothing. He turns to a dark alley mindlessly. He pulls
a glistening key from his pocket. The key is carefully placed in the
The body gently slides down the wall. Towards the concrete. He hits
the ground with a thud.
Now tell me the answer to this question.
Is this man? Well is he living or dead?

Loki Fire Trickster


From leaving the fire you're within walk forward. So you can
release yourself. So you can keep old fires burning bright. You will
know when your fire building has ended.
For this will be your end.

A thought a piece we share

A thought a piece we share
If you gain in peace of mind you feel this pain inside. Open up the
wound pour the salt inside. I am opened. Now for our dance our
time for romance, yet this is nothing. I am that of which is lycan-
thropy. I take in you and turn out madness. My song brings you up
to sadness. Gain in, I shall. I shall gain in there shall be love.
Searing soul true-found sadness. Here I live in my madness. Plant a
thought, and watch it grow. Now your mind is mine for control.


Dread fear intrepid step am I backward or forward on this swing.
They come for me they scream for me. They want me. I do not want
them yet deaths dark tendrils crawling closer. Force of light you
shan’t stop me. I am forever! Sing to me about the truth yet so
many lies are spread when ones heart is open. Are they malignant
how can you tell? They sing something of destruction yet implausi-
bility you believe it is your fault. Although you are omnipotent it
does not quite matter there is heresy in the works. The blood brings
me closer. The breath makes me stronger. Intellect perplexes those
landmarks that stand among men yet they are men. I feel the dance
above me I feel the wind below me, yet darkness shines clearer.
When you see past illusions. You see illumination this is the truth.
“Can you hear the one handed clap.”

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Ferocious life exists to release the waste. Wilderness traps tepid
souls. Advanced civilizations glorify god like structures. The sanctity-
ty of sutures open to the world of disease. There I am standing on
skulls. Hidden behind eyes I burn away. Silliness fills the world
with a sickening gray. Sticky webs of mush. The energy is me I am
that. I can see without my eyes. The world detracts from the truth.


You think its that I be mad. Yet methinks that thou art mad. Alls ye
wish to do is to consume the ort da bit on it table. You do nothing
see nothing you live as blind swine. Is a screw loose is their a part
that has not been properly connected. Am I mad for abnormal
thought patterns that spin about my head connecting in patterns of
un unuiniformity. This brings to me the insight that is. Sentences
unfinished brandish on my brain. Unfurreled word sprawled before.
I pick and choose through the forest this demented dimension of
mind. Some keep some rooms of their mind tidy, and the rest hid-
den from themselves. Try on some of the other masks, open other
doors. Know your other selves. I sure something else will fit just as



                           Beyond dream forever.
                                  Never Again
                                    I fortopac


My worst torture comes from the inside. Where all things are alive.
To create dimensions. To reach ascension. I am your god you need
not worship. I know your names and faces. I exist in spaces, which
belong to nothing. Walls cannot stop the immaterial. Passing
through which is soul. Gain in piece of ******.
We come back to help you back yet you want not my guidance till
your in your time of need. Reach out to touch the sun where there is
none. Yet know you have suffered.