Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Formations changing

Formations changing
The wheel is turning. Splinters fly as the wheel whirls. They trans-
form in the sight of many.
These changing forms take on a life of there own as dancing shad-
ows on the wall. Silhouettes
Of humanity in its lowest forms. These dank demons of my mind,
take on these laughing screaming forms.
The piles of splinters on the floor are the remains of many. The
specters of time slowly rise from the splinters. To join the wheel to
set as an icon on this great monolith. It sets upon this golden
pedestal. The sounds of the wheel spinning drive most men's minds
insane and who is the creature spinning this great contraption. It is
the creator being. His name is the great recycler, and this is what he
does. He teaches all those who worship him and his wheel to do the
same, or destroy all that was created.

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