Monday, September 27, 2010

Pissed Off Poem

Insanity hates to love all that want to be. I hate most for I feel no
reason to like.
What is love? I don't know. When I meet death I will leave. Never
to set my foot upon the ground again. Yet my spirit shall build a
wealth unknown to man's eyes. Total recall; see what you've lost.
You'll see you were fooled. Once again you're lost. I'm coming; I
change the way you think. Your body and mind are weak. Seek the
truth. It will be hard. Your journey will last lifetimes. Have you
been here before? Do you know? When you fight against the sys-
tem, you're fighting for change. Do you know what is going to
change? Is it better this way or that? Savior what is change - the
illusion? Next in line: what's your number?
We've died yet we live. Who's to decide what is best for you? Do
you talk behind their backs? Speak up! Make them listen. I am
pissed I can take no more. I am a revolution!
They built me! Their madness tries to sink in. Pain is everywhere.
Self-destruction count down is happening. It is time to stop, and

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