Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Light & The Dark


I understand the life that you live. Your life is a terrible thing to
waste. Control your temptation and you'll have lost yourself. Your
mind's in turmoil; what to do? Why are you wasting away for
something that is doing nothing for you? Can't you feel that some-
thing is wrong? Why do you not feel the way you did?
Help yourself before it is too late. Why do you like this pain?
Dying from the inside out. I can tell you're not the same. Why do
you try to hide this from me?
You're not around anymore you are with your joke. You're just as
bad as them. You hurt yourself to understand their pain. Be your-
self: does it hurt? I wish to understand who you've become. I don’t
know why you share these thoughts with me.
Find your life. Lose your pain. Lose what you don't need.
Understand the game. Become the king, not the pawn of another.
Play it well; find yourself true friends.

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