Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wonderful Black world

Wonderful Black world

Dancing cheek to cheek in the night.
I never get to see your flight.
The bats in the belfry all in a row.
My Halloween pumpkins carved with my toe.
Jack o lanterns all set ablaze.
Devils Night is always burning in my city.
Want to help me the arson.
I can hear the crackle now and the smell of smoke.
If I light you ablaze then you shall know thine fathers sins upon my
Massachusetts set ablaze at the stake.
Witches tormented, for their practices.
Tortured Christians for their sins.
The skeletons are roaming.
I can hear their moanings.
The scream of the banshee was just a woman being mugged in the
Yes, the men get beaten too; there is equality in pain.
Everyone must suffer.
Spooky story’s told on Halloween.
Living Halloween, razor-blade candy.
Only tricks, never treats.
What candy should I eat?
Lost parlor, no reflection.
Blood on my cheek my makeup your blood.
So pretty are the graveyards, where I spend most of my time play-
ing the ocarina High atop tombs.
Gate keeper and musician, muse.
One Dram to pass the river.
Stooped low and watching in the darkness.

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