Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Shards of me

Shards of me
All emotions all hurt regression of all things. I've lived in a world
of hurt, pain. Obstacles are easy emotions are not. No emotion is
easy to bring forth. All the insanity in the world does not equal all
this pain. Insanity stems from pain that cannot be dealt with, or
screwed-up genetics. The beast inside wants to be full circle. I need
help, I need help, I need help. Reaching out yet I can find no hand.
Shall I fall? I am hanging from a weak branch from a tall tree. My
life seems to fade away as a dream. Abused in all ways. My mind is
bruised no one can see the inner hurt. I broken battered hurting
don’t leave. I say to the wind. The wind does not hear me when I
call. The writings on the wall are of pain, and hurt written in blood
bones, and guts. I dodge all pain. This fatigues me. I drop I'm killed
by the stones, thrown from so long ago. New emotion shadow. Then
bring out what has been kept so deep so unwanted. My fear keeps
me from the transmutation. Beautiful energy trapped in corpse.
Only let out at death. Death wish, Serial killer, going but can't for
need. Losing control. Emotions make. Why live why die.
Purgatories pain no more. Travel through time. Why choose to help.
Why care, seems too traumatic.

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