Monday, September 20, 2010


Dread fear intrepid step am I backward or forward on this swing.
They come for me they scream for me. They want me. I do not want
them yet deaths dark tendrils crawling closer. Force of light you
shan’t stop me. I am forever! Sing to me about the truth yet so
many lies are spread when ones heart is open. Are they malignant
how can you tell? They sing something of destruction yet implausi-
bility you believe it is your fault. Although you are omnipotent it
does not quite matter there is heresy in the works. The blood brings
me closer. The breath makes me stronger. Intellect perplexes those
landmarks that stand among men yet they are men. I feel the dance
above me I feel the wind below me, yet darkness shines clearer.
When you see past illusions. You see illumination this is the truth.
“Can you hear the one handed clap.”

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