Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Angelic cherubim kisses.

Angelic cherubim kisses.

Soft kisses of passion placed upon warm lips.
Eyes gazing deeply in the depths of the ocean of the soul.
Love can not be bought by power nor money.
Love must be given, then engaged.
The rules for the combat of love is brutal gladiatorial.
Yet how sweet the war can be and the taste of the wind of love.
The wind sets my wings to flight, and fancy.
Yes my heart ablaze.
Capture the captive heart and spirit.
Those who see you from afar, they feel you in them.
You do not touch them by means of your flesh.
They feel you with out you being near.
Slow dancing in the clouds.
From heaven I look down and see the world in splendors.
What a patchwork world I see.
When she is with me I realize I am not alone.
She is a wind dancer, a sprite, and a real Aphrodite.
Venus endures me to Caspian we travel.
Sitting in the trees and mountains.
Letting days drift as we hold each other tightly.
Watching as the sun takes on its red hues, and passes behind the

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