Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Freedom in memorial

Freedom in memorial
Angel of death kisses your lips sweet trapped in your mouth. He
chases me through skies of black silence. Crucified is the man who
lost himself to himself for his self. The damage done is irreparable.
I will not be lost in the sea of sorrow I shall glide above the city
lights. They cry out to me. I long for the ability to stay. Yet the con-
crete path is not my path. There is always a choice no matter how
buried. They dug me up my sorrowed bones. I shall out last those
who have gone before me. Were is the dream the dreamers dream? I
left myself to seek a better life. I will not be lost in the dreams of
others. I have dreamt this world, and in this I want nothing. The fet-
ters dig deep into my soul. Yet I have no despair. I am free.

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