Friday, October 15, 2010

Backs to the Wind

Backs to the
We defied all that was told to us. We had our backs to them, and
our backs were to the wind. All our problems fade away when were
The bonds we have created will last forever. These are the bonds of
blood sweat, and tears. These bonds are hard to come by they are
also hard to break.
Things will change we will to.
I'll be here if you'll be there for me. Let us leave here as friends
nothing less don't forget, because I will not. Do not ever think that
I will. With our backs to the wind we can be strong. Let yourself
move with the wind or you shall snap.
This will happen with a single storm. If this happens you will for-
ever be lost with those exotic winds.
You used to be a sapling but now we are growing.
What will become of us? We shall know in due time.
So will the wind that we defy.
We will defy them like we all ways said we would.
Let us break all the rulz. So we can break from the oppression of
Don't let them steal our dreams like they have from so many before
We are strong we can do all this and more. Just don't worry about
Let us learn and be taught, by all those close, and forgotten.
Do not forget me and them.

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