Tuesday, October 5, 2010


It swallows me, it is so close, and it is my indignation.
Your false cries harkens to my inner beast. Hear it, it hides deep
A call to me from their souls tells me their secrets.
For they also have a dark side. Some call for this side to set itself
They know not the beast they tempt. One day their calls will be
heard. Its furrowed brow will rise. The beast shall move furiously
forward. In its ravenous strides, it shall control those who summon
forth its fury and rage.
All who stand before the beast shall cower! The one who called the
beast will no longer be in control. Darkness: the indescribable
waves of blackness that pass over, that has passed before. Chills my
very existence. I do not know that which is dark. I am the dark. The
cold morbid stone with dark eyes, and face. The impenetrable dark-
ness seeps from my pores. It is unholy unknowable substance, is
what constitutes my flesh and blood with its form. Stare too long,
and you also shall be consumed. Neither fortitude nor endurance
will prevail or prevent your consumption.

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