Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Puppet Kingdoms

Puppet Kingdoms
A fire burning in his eye, temptation just so great, a mind that's
ticking as if it where a metronome. Planned movement every step.
It's all so detailed, see. Cannot live without a plan. Survival in its
purest form. The things you do to get ahead are comprised of evil
deeds. Do you understand yourself enough to stand up against these
powers? I hope you understand that these things you could have
stopped. But there is this thing inside you that tells you not to stop.
Why must it be so difficult to stay within your own control? Who
really is your puppet-master the one who pulls your strings? Is this
power so mad that it wishes to bring you to your knees in peril? Is
he the one who whims, you to blow in the wind? Are you as strong
as they think you are or are you a week infidel?
Are you the one who sings that whimsical rhyme from long ago, or
is it him playing his music box. You try to fight your greatest
desires, but you can't stop the evil speaking within your ear. Are
you the only one who feels this way in a world so large? I doubt
you know what you feel. All the people in all the worlds, Are they
driven by a puppet master? Is the puppet master driven? Why don't
you visit the world I live in the world of the puppet kingdoms, a
place where fairies and trolls are real? Where dreams do come true.
Well, we are in a darker world where nightmares are the only truth.
People who fear this world should step through the door. The door
where fears burn and dreams live and have their own personalities.
Understand these powers, know their strengths and weaknesses and
one day you will become a puppet king. With a crown made of
wood and a castle made of grass.

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