Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Da Goldman

Da Goldman
With my gentle subtle touch your body writhes with tender pain.
Your flesh slowly changes from its normal tones, to a golden hue!
How can this be asks the slight, and witty man? How can my touch
turn these worthless baubles into something more?
A quite hushed voice speaks the answer in a sweet, and kindly,
voice yet this voice has harsh undertones. You already know the
answers to these questions. So slowly, walking on, he thinks of
what has happened before. A faded cloud of memories slowly
creaks forward into his conscious mind. Do you remember the
friends you touched with your mind? What happened with these
people? One became beautiful. Yet your true emotions come to the
outward world so easily.
O yes, what about the friend you touched. He slowly became too
good for you.
O, what about the pitiful tormented soul you touched, someone who
did not get better but got worse. It was a lottery like chance for that
to happen. Yet I am helping somewhere then.

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