Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Southern Cross

Southern Cross
Walking a path walked by few before. The trail of uncertainty, and
doubt. Not knowing if the sun will shine on this path again. The
light up ahead, and the darkness behind. Could these be mere illu-
sion? How can a man with this dark path. Be the leader the savior
of so many. Is he blessed or has he brought the plague on the mind
of so many? Has he come to destroy or create? How was he born of
mortal flesh. When he seems to be a specter. Does he walk the path
of the unjust or the righteous? He seems to cast no shadow or take
no breathe. He walks the path of enlightenment. Is this his privilege
or pain? Walking with no light nor darkness to cloud his mind. Is
this man a martyr? Has he come to be judged or cast judgment!
Why is this cross so crooked when it's supposed to take you too
eternal bliss? His emotions try to blind. He is not poor or weak of
spirit. So he will not bent to these emotions. How can he teach if
they don't want to find their path? He has come to take them from
the pain of this world. They do not wish to follow nor Listen. He
sheds a tear that silently hits the floor. No one will be hear to hear.
The sound of it shattering. In too the explosion of being sent to
help. No one to his hand to be saved for they where afraid. That he
may help them. That is the pain of the cross no matter how crooked
it is. This shall be carried with hem forever. Infinity of burden
infinity of pain. The cross was carried with in him. This pain is for-
ever. The cross is his burden, and forever his.

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