Friday, October 15, 2010

The carousel and carnival

The carousel and carnival
Shun the darkness come to light. Deep slumber slowly drifting
away. Here I am where is this? It is a place of light and happiness.
How can this be? I do not see how this can be coming about. My
friends are here even the ones from the past. Long ago far away
never happened the same way. Up and down roller coaster. In
describable blissful yet so deep and hurting. The emotions swirl
and whirl. Round and round up and down trying to hang on without
losing out on the real thrill show.
Lets go to the carousel. The ride never stops ecstasy of two energies
intertwining. On to the next part of the show. The galleries of hor-
rors and monstrosities some of these shows are so different than
others, Blood guts and bones in some, others phantoms and haunts.
Lets move on now to the games.
We got games of skill, games of thrill. We got prizes wonderfully
wicked. The confection concessions, Sweet things that touch your
lips and melt objects that warm.
Addictions worth having. Always coming back for more but you
and they love it. Now its time for the end. The shows almost over.
There is more to come. As we enter the new show.

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