Sunday, October 10, 2010

Light hearted love

Light hearted love

Lightness radiating out.
The hope of the people expanding their love.
Do not confuse lust for love.
Explanation needed.
Eddies and turbulence seen in the seas heart.
Soaking up the sunrays.
Sitting in the sun.
Knowing what needs to be done.
Doing what is necessary.
Gaining from the goodness.
Loving in the lightness.
Living in absorption.
Absorbing all the loveliness.
Pushing past the pain.
Calling in coo to the doves above.
Adoration of the righteous.
Revel in religion.
Dancing in the forest.
The emotions are seen by the dream of existence.
Loving the lovely loved.
Lasting losing control for good.
Giving yourself to the good.
Knowing the love that is.
Exploring the fields of love.
Longing if that where to pass.
To lose the love that's lost is to the darkness.
To gain and find the love that is lost is expedience in great gain.
Singing in the glory.
Knowing the song.
Hearing its passages.
Knowing the words would pass.
Yet the will tantalize your mind.
Until the passing of your knowing, and the gaining of your good-
Loving with out remorse.
Loving with out fear.
Loving without hate.
Loving without gain.
Giving when you know they have nothing to give.
That is love.

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