Friday, October 15, 2010

Loves Salve

Loves Salve
Before I saw her I knew she was the one.
I had kissed those lips before.
I have never touched her flesh.
Yet I knew her soft caress.
And to this dying day I didn't want to throw it all away.
Her silent purr I envisioned as we held one another.
I knew my soft words could win away the stone of one who was
I have seen the roses open its bud to show its dress of petals.
The strong scent and feeling of love that I urn for I wish to know
it's sweet taste again.
I wish to know you the repairer of what is broken.
We will become as one wed cord.
A part of the whole.
I knew that one day the sun would dry up all the rain.
As the rain was my tears, and the tears tore as silent razor blades.
Ripping at my fleshy self-tearing me away where was I to go.
Their is no where to hide from ones self.
Even in self-mutilation and malediction the cure is only temporary.
What you have done to yourself may never heal with out the proper
The essence of love is its ability to heal.
To drown the sorrows of the love lorn heart.
To be the sun to the rain.
To wash away the pain.
I know this my love.

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