Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dark Angel

Dark Angel
Standing resolute, unsanctified.
Statuesque figure playing on the
verge of shadows. In midnight seen,
clear as bright day dark star. Eating
up the light.
6 black wings spread.
6 black wings shiny leather.
6 black wings spread out to encom-
pass the sky.
My angel dark angel.
The only time I feel saved.
Numerals and numerology the num-
bers define me.
13 my lucky number pierced deeply his gaze.
7 I once used to dwell in heaven.
Zodiac embroidered on my tattered cloak.
Swords raised in heaven. Surrendering is not an option.
I now make up the darkest pigments.
I am the moonlit night.
I comfort you in the shadows.
All that was raised in black power is raised beneath me.
My children de morte, de niger.
La maudite de amour.
I am bound by you spellbound by you.
You are my darkest angel.
You are a hero, a villain in treason.
All is against you, Deus ex spiritus
Deus ex noctum.
Thoughts do cognize.
Darkness, the darkest angel.
My hero my savior my saint

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