Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hard treaded path

Hard treaded path
 Proud thunder bird print
Proud thunder bird by unixarcade
Browse other art on Zazzle
Here I am sitting writing staring. Who are they? Why they came?
They stare at me with their glazed-over eyes. How much of this can
one being take? You call me names yet you are ignorant of who I
am, or what I am. Put on my mask, wear it for as long as I have,
feel it the way I have felt it. I think you would buckle. Surviving is
so much harder. When you have so many forces against you. We all
get stuck in traps; some will keep you forever. How to break infini-
ty, that is the question I ask myself. How to keep from waking in
the morning. Knowing you are fighting for every second. If it’s not
with large problems or life threatening situations, it’s with the small
nuances. Why bring a child in the world you know you cannot care
for? This child then becomes tossed wave to wave. With no guid-
ance or love. Who is to care for him or her? No one to love or hold
him. No protection from the ever-potent storm; living, and for
what? Out of the lust of two, brought from the loins of the mother.
Never to be cared for again. Her love not for her children but for
everything that can allow escape. Why,why,why? To escape would
cost me so dear. Never to get caught in traps. To pull out may be
impossible. So never get caught is the answer. My life, your life,
they do not compare. Feelings can only be felt by one. Try not to
trust try not to feel. To be without emotions would be a blessing.
This is asking too much, though. Losing a childhood does strange
things to people. To live a loved life is all the people of the world
ask for. There would be no prosperity problems. The people of the
world would rejoice. Darker endings for a darker world.
Left Behind
Do you feel the wind to your back? Why do you hear the silence?

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