Friday, October 15, 2010

The end is the beginning is the end

I created this to share it, and now it is shared.
To you I give this gift for now unto eternity.

This work was created in personal war and turmoil much of which I have overcome. May you define yourself with the light and find your way's through your wars.

Your friend Luminosity.


Sun shines darkness wash away with rolling shores. Smooth happi-
ness sunshine makes up lemonade loveliness. Take it down in a sul-
try slake of thirst that was. Umm it fills my belly with wholeness. I
am now a full person. Love lets out the light necessary to perse-
vere. All the sadness is discontinued as the ray passes. There in that
ray was soul I became that light.

Backs to the Wind

Backs to the
We defied all that was told to us. We had our backs to them, and
our backs were to the wind. All our problems fade away when were
The bonds we have created will last forever. These are the bonds of
blood sweat, and tears. These bonds are hard to come by they are
also hard to break.
Things will change we will to.
I'll be here if you'll be there for me. Let us leave here as friends
nothing less don't forget, because I will not. Do not ever think that
I will. With our backs to the wind we can be strong. Let yourself
move with the wind or you shall snap.
This will happen with a single storm. If this happens you will for-
ever be lost with those exotic winds.
You used to be a sapling but now we are growing.
What will become of us? We shall know in due time.
So will the wind that we defy.
We will defy them like we all ways said we would.
Let us break all the rulz. So we can break from the oppression of
Don't let them steal our dreams like they have from so many before
We are strong we can do all this and more. Just don't worry about
Let us learn and be taught, by all those close, and forgotten.
Do not forget me and them.

Loves Salve

Loves Salve
Before I saw her I knew she was the one.
I had kissed those lips before.
I have never touched her flesh.
Yet I knew her soft caress.
And to this dying day I didn't want to throw it all away.
Her silent purr I envisioned as we held one another.
I knew my soft words could win away the stone of one who was
I have seen the roses open its bud to show its dress of petals.
The strong scent and feeling of love that I urn for I wish to know
it's sweet taste again.
I wish to know you the repairer of what is broken.
We will become as one wed cord.
A part of the whole.
I knew that one day the sun would dry up all the rain.
As the rain was my tears, and the tears tore as silent razor blades.
Ripping at my fleshy self-tearing me away where was I to go.
Their is no where to hide from ones self.
Even in self-mutilation and malediction the cure is only temporary.
What you have done to yourself may never heal with out the proper
The essence of love is its ability to heal.
To drown the sorrows of the love lorn heart.
To be the sun to the rain.
To wash away the pain.
I know this my love.


How beautiful those we admire so dear, how powerful their word.
We learn from our friends. We try to accept them what ever they
are. There love comes to us, so that we may heal. They make us
laugh when we are down. There smiles as bright as the sun. O boy
we need our friends.

The thing they call god.

The thing they call god.
A light comes burning through the window.
Waking me in a startling way. You see this light was not an ordinary light at all.
The light could speak.
It would only speak in a tongue in which is as beautiful as the

Prophecy of Greatness

Prophecy of Greatness
Understand the coming prophecy with the prophet. Burn to cinders
this world he says.
The world came flood in 2 forms feel what has been, and will be.
The sorceries came with it's blackness, and light. Come forth cre-
ator so many can come again. We lost knowledge let us not, play
that serenade again. Use not what you have to dabble in what will
retract what is known. Come not to me for I will come to you with
many treasures. Listen to what can be heard before you cannot.
Follow the children to the cave where there can be no harm. Then
you will not burn to cinders or suffer the elements. Feel the light,
and come forth with this wisdom, and harm no more. Come with
your mind, and body to the kingdom of enlightenment. Understand
the turmoil your energy is being put through. Make it through, and
you will find your rewards. Do you understand the greatness of
what you have brought to yourself, and others?
Hear my words the prophet.

The carousel and carnival

The carousel and carnival
Shun the darkness come to light. Deep slumber slowly drifting
away. Here I am where is this? It is a place of light and happiness.
How can this be? I do not see how this can be coming about. My
friends are here even the ones from the past. Long ago far away
never happened the same way. Up and down roller coaster. In
describable blissful yet so deep and hurting. The emotions swirl
and whirl. Round and round up and down trying to hang on without
losing out on the real thrill show.
Lets go to the carousel. The ride never stops ecstasy of two energies
intertwining. On to the next part of the show. The galleries of hor-
rors and monstrosities some of these shows are so different than
others, Blood guts and bones in some, others phantoms and haunts.
Lets move on now to the games.
We got games of skill, games of thrill. We got prizes wonderfully
wicked. The confection concessions, Sweet things that touch your
lips and melt objects that warm.
Addictions worth having. Always coming back for more but you
and they love it. Now its time for the end. The shows almost over.
There is more to come. As we enter the new show.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Approaching mistress

Approaching mistress
Whisper softly fair death. Your fair flesh immortalizes that which
you call frame.
A picture lasts within my mind.
I did I c it is.
Harmony's that speak to others are swirls in my mind. Floating
existence tells me deeds.

Transitory dreamscape

Transitory dreamscape
My dreams burn in vivid fire. So crisp more life like than life.
Scenes clearer than space.
Sounds very sharp most dreams fade though just shadows of their
original clarity.

Sanctum Ra Innocence


Black lines of sin run through and through in death I can be free.
I will fight against my self-destruction.
I will be free.
Fly through dawn to see sun.
Pillar of the sun self reliant, and blind.
The sense we wish to feel comes so little.
Happiness is our little sun that burns the sin, and recreates our innocence


Lost in the waves that take me away to the sun. Where I bathe in all
that's one. Become the son only to end the pain. Lithium stops the
bloody tear in the heart. That spin me round constant change slows
inevitability of death. Confrontation strength of me. Brunt of
weight, atlases strength. In the meeting of the truth. To stop the one
the only one it's me.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Not Sorry

for the actions I committed.
What your not getting is what I am kicking I am not sorry going to
kick a
Little something for you bu I am not sorry kick a little something to
I am not sorry for the actions I committed,
I am here to kick this song another way I would kick it about three
other ways,
And I would tell you I am not sorry for the actions I committed.
Let me kick the same way for you I am not sorry for the actions I
If you want to know I would do it all again.
There I would tell you the same thing that I am telling you know.
What is the difference between you and me?
I will not give up in my personal struggles.
I do not get down when authority's come.
I am not a lesser.
I can show you the cold cutting wind.
I would not be sorry for the actions I committed.
What can change the nature of a man?
I am not sorry for the actions I committed.
If you asked me in another way I would be sure to answer you in
the very same way, because I am not sorry for the actions I committed.


When I walk down the street I get funny looks.
Why yep just because I am misunderstood.
I speak to another and I they don't understand.
Just because I am misunderstood.
I sit on a rock, and sit by a tree just because I am misunderstood.
When I see the spirits standing by.
They think I am nuts I wonder wall.
Just because I am misunderstood


Life exits through a vein.
Which enters into brain.
Then elation.
This lasts naught now flows change.
Yet this is not necessarily the end.
If it is strong it will last.
Leaving it in the past.
Forming verse, and sonnet.
It dances on, or ends.
Although leaving lines of change.
Which deeply engraves on your brain.
This mark which it leaves may only last in memory.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Light hearted love

Light hearted love

Lightness radiating out.
The hope of the people expanding their love.
Do not confuse lust for love.
Explanation needed.
Eddies and turbulence seen in the seas heart.
Soaking up the sunrays.
Sitting in the sun.
Knowing what needs to be done.
Doing what is necessary.
Gaining from the goodness.
Loving in the lightness.
Living in absorption.
Absorbing all the loveliness.
Pushing past the pain.
Calling in coo to the doves above.
Adoration of the righteous.
Revel in religion.
Dancing in the forest.
The emotions are seen by the dream of existence.
Loving the lovely loved.
Lasting losing control for good.
Giving yourself to the good.
Knowing the love that is.
Exploring the fields of love.
Longing if that where to pass.
To lose the love that's lost is to the darkness.
To gain and find the love that is lost is expedience in great gain.
Singing in the glory.
Knowing the song.
Hearing its passages.
Knowing the words would pass.
Yet the will tantalize your mind.
Until the passing of your knowing, and the gaining of your good-
Loving with out remorse.
Loving with out fear.
Loving without hate.
Loving without gain.
Giving when you know they have nothing to give.
That is love.

Metaphor of me

Metaphor of me
Freedom fire ambience I feel tidal flow. I permeate the light. In
bound satellite features of existence. I see the star fields in the dis-
tance. They represent my body. I see the light of many suns that is
my life, my soul. The rocket ship escapes me. As the satellite mani-
fests as an idea. Star wars is the Immune system of I. Why would I
the one need such defense. The transient one. There is a war and it
does rage. It is within me. I am not supplicated by the external rev-
olution. Inside of me there is an Idea that grows others call this
thing. "God".


Fighting to survive in a world that does not care. Survival to the
best is the way it has to be. Carry on a plan created long ago. They
try to make some friends so they can hunt in packs. But don’t they
know that the lone wolf is strongest. Understand that you are not
wanted. You are pushed away because they fear you. You will die
no one will cry, even if they do it is not because of you. It is for
their own greed in all its forms. Lone wolf is strongest lone wolf
stands alone.

Abba bba

Mescaline memory's missing minuscule medleys.
Masterful monsters missing marble fittings.
Mastication meddles madly missing flavours drift on effervescent
clouds confusing.
Confucian conformity construes contradictory words, and actions.
Active minds marvel meticulous misnomers.
Illusion Illuminates iridescent though form


Waiting for a friend. Waiting to till the end of a long line. Till I see
a light at the end of the road. It might be coming closer. I hope it's
coming closer. I can't wait till I can embrace the light.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Things that used to be

The Things that used to be
Just a little while ago it seems. We used to do a lot.
Maybe we were just children then. It didn't seem to matter.
What we did a while ago. It just seemed to fade. It seemed you
called me back then.
The calls have seemed to stop. Maybe we are just to caught up in
ourselves to see what has been happening. You know we had our
good times we also had our bad. We used to be such good friends.
Now it seems to be illusion. Of what happened so long ago. It hurts
me deep inside to think of these things. Now we are lost. I hope to
god it has not ended. How long we have worked. To think of what
we could have done. It does not seem to matter. Just hope we can
hold on to our memories of old. To love what we have, and try to
keep our friends.

The classroom enigma

The classroom enigma
The questions answer is. The problems solution is already solved.
To backwards to upside right. The dog chews on its toy.
The answers are our questions.

Freedom in memorial

Freedom in memorial
Angel of death kisses your lips sweet trapped in your mouth. He
chases me through skies of black silence. Crucified is the man who
lost himself to himself for his self. The damage done is irreparable.
I will not be lost in the sea of sorrow I shall glide above the city
lights. They cry out to me. I long for the ability to stay. Yet the con-
crete path is not my path. There is always a choice no matter how
buried. They dug me up my sorrowed bones. I shall out last those
who have gone before me. Were is the dream the dreamers dream? I
left myself to seek a better life. I will not be lost in the dreams of
others. I have dreamt this world, and in this I want nothing. The fet-
ters dig deep into my soul. Yet I have no despair. I am free.

Southern Cross

Southern Cross
Walking a path walked by few before. The trail of uncertainty, and
doubt. Not knowing if the sun will shine on this path again. The
light up ahead, and the darkness behind. Could these be mere illu-
sion? How can a man with this dark path. Be the leader the savior
of so many. Is he blessed or has he brought the plague on the mind
of so many? Has he come to destroy or create? How was he born of
mortal flesh. When he seems to be a specter. Does he walk the path
of the unjust or the righteous? He seems to cast no shadow or take
no breathe. He walks the path of enlightenment. Is this his privilege
or pain? Walking with no light nor darkness to cloud his mind. Is
this man a martyr? Has he come to be judged or cast judgment!
Why is this cross so crooked when it's supposed to take you too
eternal bliss? His emotions try to blind. He is not poor or weak of
spirit. So he will not bent to these emotions. How can he teach if
they don't want to find their path? He has come to take them from
the pain of this world. They do not wish to follow nor Listen. He
sheds a tear that silently hits the floor. No one will be hear to hear.
The sound of it shattering. In too the explosion of being sent to
help. No one to his hand to be saved for they where afraid. That he
may help them. That is the pain of the cross no matter how crooked
it is. This shall be carried with hem forever. Infinity of burden
infinity of pain. The cross was carried with in him. This pain is for-
ever. The cross is his burden, and forever his.

The Jester

The Jester

What you see is what you get. Not in my world where the meager
become more it's where darkness isn't that dark. Where madness
reigns supreme. Life is but a laugh to the jester. Were the weak
become knights; and those who believe they are great find out what
they truly are? The jester's home is his muse.
Where do you live is this where you want to be, or is it somewhere
Who am I what are you. What are you a dreamer who runs
your dreams!
Can you justify what you have said? Are you but a hopeless
liar? Do you live within these walls? You must break free but
you're not a phoenix. Burning but not reborn. Lying to yourself,
and others.
Peering through a hole so tiny can you see anything from this?
You believe yourself a prophet. Living lies you have told your-
Faking death just like a possum. Animal characteristics, which I
thought you, had. Monster tearing apart your soul. City lights are so
famous over shadowing your true self.
It's so nice to see this kind mask. Tear it off and scare yourself.
What is truly tugging at your soul? Laughing at the truth. But noth-
ing more.
All my friends have grown within me without their help I
would be dead.
Kindly sitting back in silence. When I have so much to say.
Freeing my self through my writings. Trying for some goals so
Why must I endure this suffering? Once again ever more never
Can I really escape these bars? Am I just a fool for trying?
All those who told me I can be nothing I refuse I will go down try-
ing to become.
What am I a monster? Let us hope not or let your god have its
If not hope ye soul be cleansed. Or eternal damnation beseeches
Can you really trust it I'm sure you can?
Has he really sent his demons?
Fury upon this earth. It is his tears it is it's self.
The jester is the wisest for he proclaims he is not wise.
Laugh at this it is the truth.
What has brought him to his state?
Was it the suffering in which has been inflicted upon him through
the ages?
Has he really left this place?
Can this be possible to vent his pain?
He stairs as if he is miles away.
All this defense, and for what nottin but dat twisted thought.
Has he went to the palace of the mind. Metamorphosis of the
strangest kind.
Let him play his silly games.
The jester will live forever witin you within me.
Laugh and sing. To read to write to live. Forever more to live again.

Oubliette escape

Oubliette escape
Strap some flesh upon my bones. Now you have me. Why did you
need me? You are lost.
Why should I dream of this smash fist pusshole. Yet I fly away.
Lost to this lost to my eyes. If you understood my dream. You
would do everything to help me. To help me seal the broken lots.
The hurting hearts.

Angelic cherubim kisses.

Angelic cherubim kisses.

Soft kisses of passion placed upon warm lips.
Eyes gazing deeply in the depths of the ocean of the soul.
Love can not be bought by power nor money.
Love must be given, then engaged.
The rules for the combat of love is brutal gladiatorial.
Yet how sweet the war can be and the taste of the wind of love.
The wind sets my wings to flight, and fancy.
Yes my heart ablaze.
Capture the captive heart and spirit.
Those who see you from afar, they feel you in them.
You do not touch them by means of your flesh.
They feel you with out you being near.
Slow dancing in the clouds.
From heaven I look down and see the world in splendors.
What a patchwork world I see.
When she is with me I realize I am not alone.
She is a wind dancer, a sprite, and a real Aphrodite.
Venus endures me to Caspian we travel.
Sitting in the trees and mountains.
Letting days drift as we hold each other tightly.
Watching as the sun takes on its red hues, and passes behind the

Dark Angel

Dark Angel
Standing resolute, unsanctified.
Statuesque figure playing on the
verge of shadows. In midnight seen,
clear as bright day dark star. Eating
up the light.
6 black wings spread.
6 black wings shiny leather.
6 black wings spread out to encom-
pass the sky.
My angel dark angel.
The only time I feel saved.
Numerals and numerology the num-
bers define me.
13 my lucky number pierced deeply his gaze.
7 I once used to dwell in heaven.
Zodiac embroidered on my tattered cloak.
Swords raised in heaven. Surrendering is not an option.
I now make up the darkest pigments.
I am the moonlit night.
I comfort you in the shadows.
All that was raised in black power is raised beneath me.
My children de morte, de niger.
La maudite de amour.
I am bound by you spellbound by you.
You are my darkest angel.
You are a hero, a villain in treason.
All is against you, Deus ex spiritus
Deus ex noctum.
Thoughts do cognize.
Darkness, the darkest angel.
My hero my savior my saint

Puppet Kingdoms

Puppet Kingdoms
A fire burning in his eye, temptation just so great, a mind that's
ticking as if it where a metronome. Planned movement every step.
It's all so detailed, see. Cannot live without a plan. Survival in its
purest form. The things you do to get ahead are comprised of evil
deeds. Do you understand yourself enough to stand up against these
powers? I hope you understand that these things you could have
stopped. But there is this thing inside you that tells you not to stop.
Why must it be so difficult to stay within your own control? Who
really is your puppet-master the one who pulls your strings? Is this
power so mad that it wishes to bring you to your knees in peril? Is
he the one who whims, you to blow in the wind? Are you as strong
as they think you are or are you a week infidel?
Are you the one who sings that whimsical rhyme from long ago, or
is it him playing his music box. You try to fight your greatest
desires, but you can't stop the evil speaking within your ear. Are
you the only one who feels this way in a world so large? I doubt
you know what you feel. All the people in all the worlds, Are they
driven by a puppet master? Is the puppet master driven? Why don't
you visit the world I live in the world of the puppet kingdoms, a
place where fairies and trolls are real? Where dreams do come true.
Well, we are in a darker world where nightmares are the only truth.
People who fear this world should step through the door. The door
where fears burn and dreams live and have their own personalities.
Understand these powers, know their strengths and weaknesses and
one day you will become a puppet king. With a crown made of
wood and a castle made of grass.

The Mask

The Mask
I wear a mask: a mask of flesh; a mask of bone, gut, and blood. I
hide inside I take retreat inside. When to come out to the light? I am
fighting the real fight. I will one day leave this world. Take off the
mask bone, flesh, blood, guts no more. What you see can’t be sure.
Does it change from time to time? Dread lightly on the soft wet
moor, when the moon is full, when the stars are bright, or you
might get a rather large fright. Spirits are here dancing at your door.
Spirits are dancing from now until nevermore. Where is the light in
the darkness? Where is the darkness in your light? I have come to
show you. You will come to fight. Where is the light in your death?
I am coming; you will know when you hear! Know when you see!
You will know when you feel & when you fright. The mask, the
mask that we wear. The mask that tears us apart. I know that you’re
not real; I know that you feel. You are hiding, you cower. Are you
afraid of your self? I live where the darkness and light meet. There
is no sun. There is no moon. I am here to save, here to teach. I am
the bringer, I have brought. Soon there will be a time of toil. A time
where darkness and light meet intertwine. This is the time. The time
of real. The time to steal. A time of hope. A time of the broken life.
Bring your self to your knees. What is your belief? Life is an illu-
sion that tears, at what’s real. Your energy is being put to disuse.
Your light is dimming starting to fade. Where will you go when it’s
gone? You will fear. Do not fright; you are a light. Cleanse the tar-
nish. What makes you real? How do you feel? Do you do wrong?
Can you feel it tear? Who is the next to go? Is there a pattern to this
chaos? Is your mask good or bad; Dark, Light or Grey? Who is
next? The mask hides all that you are.

Da Goldman

Da Goldman
With my gentle subtle touch your body writhes with tender pain.
Your flesh slowly changes from its normal tones, to a golden hue!
How can this be asks the slight, and witty man? How can my touch
turn these worthless baubles into something more?
A quite hushed voice speaks the answer in a sweet, and kindly,
voice yet this voice has harsh undertones. You already know the
answers to these questions. So slowly, walking on, he thinks of
what has happened before. A faded cloud of memories slowly
creaks forward into his conscious mind. Do you remember the
friends you touched with your mind? What happened with these
people? One became beautiful. Yet your true emotions come to the
outward world so easily.
O yes, what about the friend you touched. He slowly became too
good for you.
O, what about the pitiful tormented soul you touched, someone who
did not get better but got worse. It was a lottery like chance for that
to happen. Yet I am helping somewhere then.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


It swallows me, it is so close, and it is my indignation.
Your false cries harkens to my inner beast. Hear it, it hides deep
A call to me from their souls tells me their secrets.
For they also have a dark side. Some call for this side to set itself
They know not the beast they tempt. One day their calls will be
heard. Its furrowed brow will rise. The beast shall move furiously
forward. In its ravenous strides, it shall control those who summon
forth its fury and rage.
All who stand before the beast shall cower! The one who called the
beast will no longer be in control. Darkness: the indescribable
waves of blackness that pass over, that has passed before. Chills my
very existence. I do not know that which is dark. I am the dark. The
cold morbid stone with dark eyes, and face. The impenetrable dark-
ness seeps from my pores. It is unholy unknowable substance, is
what constitutes my flesh and blood with its form. Stare too long,
and you also shall be consumed. Neither fortitude nor endurance
will prevail or prevent your consumption.

Dark art

Dark art
Here I am sitting dreaming lucidly. The shadows slowly crept across
the threshold. Screams were part of this night. Blood was used as a
instrument of art. The smell of sex was deep. Was this a part of a
deeply occult ritual? Why was it done in me how was the power
released? Sickness: then it spread itself. Yet there was nothing

Dark side

Dark side
Here I stand in front of a mirror. It stares back coldly. The eyes
glow red. It speaks in tongues indiscernible. The mirror swirls,
smoking. Words! How does this help my mission?
I scare my self.
I am dangerous, to all.

Into Night

Into Night
Darkness foreshadow forbearing in lies, dark soul blood poisons the
earth. Earthmen pain me. Dogs eat bile. Time eats away at what
was trapped in dreams, without help. Hatred demon truth within.
Burning brighter. Bright star burn out. Infinity's greatness. How
will the end come? Who holds the bow? Carrion eating away the
tornado lifts me stars I become silence in beauty.

Days of dark sun shine

Days of dark sun shine
There the sun is black
I feel cold
It saps from me what was their light was darkness
Their blade was sharp
The tongue of the asp is sharp and forked I know them well
The fruit eaters
Are lost in the intoxication
The food was destructive
Where are we?
Where is this paradise lost?

Forked Tongue

Venomous serpents. Black teeth black mouth black words.
All these things have been spewed from your essence.
Your words hang in the air like a deep dark fog.
You make ships crash in shallow ports.
All the things you hold dear are vain thoughts of magnificent glory.
You care of no other than your own broken ship.
This ship could be easily repaired if you trusted the ones who have
saved you in your time of need, your shipmates.
Foul beast, have you no soul?
Are you the bringer of the plague?
The bugs upon your body bring us great pain.
You could have brought us peace. Like you have so many other
These were times of merriment.
The time in which you were not a foul beast you were a savior in
Will you ever travel on those wings of light again?
Have you lost your wings at sea? Upon the silvery clouds.
Find those wings again so we can transcend this earthly plane.
Our skies are in the world of the silvery moon.
Where all is dark yet every thing’s illuminated.
Every thing sparkles with wondrous energy.
This is where we are if you are not afraid of all you’ve learned.
If you are afraid to die in the world where the sun shines too bright-
Stay in the world of hate and unkindness.
Come along if you wish to sail again.


Black puss exuded from cracked lip.
Liars tongue brandishes flame.
Hatred of self for the sins that have been committed

Vampire Hymns

Vampire Hymns
myfangs postcard
myfangs by unixarcade

See my teeth they are sharp; see them in your neck.
As your blood runs red, it brightens up my cheeks.
The hand is down your pocket.
Can I get a ducat?
Oh thanks: even though you did not let me.
I still tuck it in my pocket.
Oh, mister headcheese, you know.
Trying to stop me, bro.
Mister Gov has your back. Throws me back. But you can't stop me
jack. All your laws do not mean a thing, to this man who sings.
All the secrets spreading lies. I'm going to fly out the door.
All you people let you know where I go.
So you can create a martyr.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hidden Specter

The hidden specter
I watch myself, as I grow older. The things I have learned are
simple and, true.
They tell me who I am at night. The darkness encompasses me as a
My soul brighter than the brightest energy a translucent distortion.
The things I've thought make me more than a man.
I am superior. I've grown to accept that. I will be punished!

Loss of independence

Loss of independence

Bushido Vs. Robot print
Bushido Vs. Robot by unixarcade

They wish to kill me string me up. Yet they tell me I am out of luck.
I have no rights. I am not free. I am sitting here I am 16.
They punish me so well. They took away my bill of rights. Now I
am running.
Here this night. There is no constitution to set me free. I know this
though I am only 16.

My bars

My bars
Whirling sickly down trip. Bad apple son on burned. Hide him
away, you're judged. Yet none of them are suited. We are trying to
strengthen the bars, just to make a better web. Segregate because of
yourself. Postmortem report, rigamortis stricken. Hiding in a mausoleum.

Hard treaded path

Hard treaded path
 Proud thunder bird print
Proud thunder bird by unixarcade
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Here I am sitting writing staring. Who are they? Why they came?
They stare at me with their glazed-over eyes. How much of this can
one being take? You call me names yet you are ignorant of who I
am, or what I am. Put on my mask, wear it for as long as I have,
feel it the way I have felt it. I think you would buckle. Surviving is
so much harder. When you have so many forces against you. We all
get stuck in traps; some will keep you forever. How to break infini-
ty, that is the question I ask myself. How to keep from waking in
the morning. Knowing you are fighting for every second. If it’s not
with large problems or life threatening situations, it’s with the small
nuances. Why bring a child in the world you know you cannot care
for? This child then becomes tossed wave to wave. With no guid-
ance or love. Who is to care for him or her? No one to love or hold
him. No protection from the ever-potent storm; living, and for
what? Out of the lust of two, brought from the loins of the mother.
Never to be cared for again. Her love not for her children but for
everything that can allow escape. Why,why,why? To escape would
cost me so dear. Never to get caught in traps. To pull out may be
impossible. So never get caught is the answer. My life, your life,
they do not compare. Feelings can only be felt by one. Try not to
trust try not to feel. To be without emotions would be a blessing.
This is asking too much, though. Losing a childhood does strange
things to people. To live a loved life is all the people of the world
ask for. There would be no prosperity problems. The people of the
world would rejoice. Darker endings for a darker world.
Left Behind
Do you feel the wind to your back? Why do you hear the silence?

Left Behind

Left Behind
Do you feel the wind to your back? Why do you hear the silence?
It's all unraveling behind us. I feel I've left the land of the living.
Feel this never never land. Now you've forgotten all I've taught
you. What means more to you your friends or this new way? Never
needed to understand this truth. Walking in a mist of faith. Do you
live your new life just mocking your old? Do you hate what is old?
Try to become what you cannot. Why are you fighting what you
can't? Trying to learn secrets that are forgotten. Never understood
this truth. What was then is not forgotten. Now you hear the truth
from me. What was now is anew. Come with me, you blackened
dog. Stop the madness in your heart. Lost myself must, reclaim it.
Try to understand this truth.

Das Kapital

Das Kapital
Enthrallment enslaved by wages of dogs not men.
Your life seems to have no worth. This poverty seeps into your
darkened soul.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Formations changing

Formations changing
The wheel is turning. Splinters fly as the wheel whirls. They trans-
form in the sight of many.
These changing forms take on a life of there own as dancing shad-
ows on the wall. Silhouettes
Of humanity in its lowest forms. These dank demons of my mind,
take on these laughing screaming forms.
The piles of splinters on the floor are the remains of many. The
specters of time slowly rise from the splinters. To join the wheel to
set as an icon on this great monolith. It sets upon this golden
pedestal. The sounds of the wheel spinning drive most men's minds
insane and who is the creature spinning this great contraption. It is
the creator being. His name is the great recycler, and this is what he
does. He teaches all those who worship him and his wheel to do the
same, or destroy all that was created.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Nowhere to run.
Nowhere to hide.
When the bombs come a dropping like tears from the sky.
Who's the man deciding our fate. I'd like to say none but I know
there are many.
Life is not worth living if there's not a challenge. Life like a brutal
war composed of the worst.
We will not die for we are illusions holders. Extinction to come
Extinction forever
In the darkness in the night sow them, reap, and take their heart.
Now it’s stolen now its gone.
It is yours to abuse. Yet you are lost in this ineffable sunrise. It
won’t be abused I won't take that you can't break that. I will not be
lost to you. I am free with broken wings.
Yet I will find a way to soar.
Why do you try to defile those who art dead. Has sickness spread
throughout your mind? There is pandemonium there I taste it.



M.a.d Time
As the sun fell from the sky, your skin is blown off then your bones
turn to dust.
Everything around becomes incinerated. The earth becomes molten
form. It melts again within an atomic furnace.

Prophecy B52 Spiritual Warfare

I see airfields in the distance scorched earth. Fires still burning.
These are not all physical. People hold malice in their hearts. Stars
stripes are not forever as they are held on posts in tears.
Israel screams contrition. Dark hymns spoken in board offices. A
global prison keeps me at bay. When there is no freedom I will be
most free.

The coming of disaster

The coming of disaster

Futuristic fantasy fixation.
Founded by the founder.
Dreaming of the dreamer.
Drowning in dreams.
Pulling out the pauper.
Pissing on bastions.
Saying harsh words.
Knowing that these words would sting.
Stuck on stupid are the people and the pulling.
Clarity is coming.
Domination dedicated to downfall.
Filtered mass of ooze.

Ends and means

Ends and means
Here my storms come in silence.
My storms kill more than nightmare weapons.
You will not enjoy the ends nor means.

Bier Witness

Bier Witness
Missing living hating. Earning to kill - killer. I know how. You can-
not stop me if I do not want you to. Preciseness with open view-
points tearing at me. To leave this place. The fetters are tight cut-
ting "bleed". To hate  "o"  to hate trying to fight my inhibitions.
Ready to befoul the world. I shan't I must stay deep oceans infinite,
boundless. There is nothing to stop dread dream. Yet human form
helps to nurture the boundaries. This will not be so upon me.

A truth

A truth
I am hiding deeper nearer to the stairwell. I shan't climb for red-drick. I am incarnate immaculate and flowing. Every day there is a
realization of truth. This truth brings to me new answers. Also deep-
er questions crawl from my conscious mind. It seems as though
they try to torment. Although I know it is not possible. Torturing
myself is the only way this occurs. I know this is a misif.